Here's a small taste of the kinds of projects we are working on.

Employer Brand:  AgriBank, FCB

As a mid-sized wholesale lender with a lot of passion for their work, but a tendency to be bashful, AgriBank FCB wanted to increase their recruitment pool by establishing a credible employment brand.  AGG Marketing & Consulting helped get to the core of what makes AgriBank special--the 200 people who leverage their talents to support the people that feed the world.   


Sponsorships: Science Museum of Minnesota.

Minnesota has been a hotbed of corporate innovation for over 100 years. AGG Marketing & Consulting led the design, development and sales of a new sponsorship-based exhibit called Minnovation. Minnovation engaged dozens of home-town brands in a dual physical and digital activation that increased revenue and gave a platform to brand to tell stories of innovation.


Interim Leadership:                     The Saint Paul Foundation

During the middle of a leadership change wouldn't seem the right time to evaluate a brand and build a team, but with the interim leadership of Andy Goldman-Gray of AGG Marketing & Consulting, The Saint Paul Foundation's communications department is setting a new course for the way they connect with their stakeholders, donors and community.